I changed my daughter's outlook.com account from UK to US domicile by mistake.

This change triggered a request  that an adult validates her account (which is more than 1y old) with a credit card.

Seeing that I tried to cancel everything. But now every time I try to log into my daughter's account outlook.com won't let me in until adult validation.

What I do is try to log in with her details which are accepted but instead of showing the inbox directly to shows a pages asking me (the father) to log in to validate the account. If do that I end up on a "Verify that you are an adult page" that now produces an error message with the following code: (40101-[2]-830cc20a-9049-4328-b838-c49783e10117)

Before this error message it showed a form asking me to fill in my credit card details. When I saw that page initially I cancelled the form and tried to reverse my change. Now I can't even get back to that form because of the error message and I can't get into the account to change the domicile back to UK. Beside, there is no way I am leaving my credit card details on your web site.

Any chance someone can fix that for me? I can PM my daughter account details to admin people if necessary. I reckon that all she needs is for her country of domicile to be set back to UK from US.

Thanks in advance.

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