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I get the following three error messages whenever I try to open Windows Live Mail 2012

Unable to send or receive messages for the cograndma1 account. Header download for the 'Sent Items' folder did not complete. Could not select 'Sent Items' on the IMAP server. Try updating the folder list and then try again.

Server Response: "Sent Items" doesn't exist.
Server: 'imap-mail.outlook.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCCD2
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Secure(SSL): Yes

Unable to send or receive messages for the cograndma1 account. Header download for the 'Deleted Items' folder did not complete. Could not select 'Deleted Items' on the IMAP server. Try updating the folder list and then try again.

Server Response: "Deleted Items" doesn't exist.
Server: 'imap-mail.outlook.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCCD2
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Secure(SSL): Yes

There was an error when attempting to connect to the Windows Live Calendar service. If the error persists, check to see if there's an upgrade of Windows Live Mail available or contact a service representative.

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