27. May 2018 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Hi, I used Windows Live Mail 2012.

My Homelanguage is German. When Somebody can help in german I prefer this, because my english is not the best.

I used in WLM 2012 a lot of mail accounts. 6 of them are my own Accounts from my own Mail Server. One of these Accounts can not sync. with the server. I got the following Errormesage with the integrated Errorcode.

The Error is only when I will receive mails. Sending mails is possible.

So I have delete the broken Account and add it new to Live Mail. But the same Error is come.
My next idea was: Install Windows Live Mail on a second computer. So I install it and add the mailaccount. The same errormessage.

The serversetting are correkt because with these settings I can receive mails with Mozilla Thunderbird an the mailclient on my iDevices (2 iPhones and 2 iPads)

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