15. April 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

When I e-mail a link to a certain page on my website, the link looks active and works for ME when I test it before sending the message. However, the recipients ALWAYS claim the link won't take them to the proper page. Instead, it goes directly to my website's homepage.

I ONLY have this problem in Windows Live mail. When I paste the same link into a PDF, Facebook or Twitter, it works fine -- it goes directly to the page on my website that I intended (and NOT to my homepage).

And YESSSSSS -- I do include the http:// as I do in twitter or Facebook. That is definitely not the problem, so don't even ask me that.

If the link works in a PDF or twitter or Facebook -- why doesn't it work in a message I send via Windows Live?

I don't think it's an error in my website connections. If that was so, the link wouldn't work elsewhere!


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