Original title: when we first were told that hotmail will changed completely to outlook and all access to hotmail will be erased so how come we can still sign into our old hotmail account


When Microsoft initially announced the introduction of outlook emailing account,we were told that Hotmail would soon be "totally erased" so how come about 2 months later,i can still sign into my old Hotmail name and address.

We were told to be quick and change our Microsoft emailing "ID" to a new Microsoft "account" with a new email name and @outlook.com email address and yet about 2 months later I can still log into my "old Hotmail account with the exact same name and password.

As far as I knew,"Hotmail" was being totally erased from the internet world completely-so is this still the case (or) are we going to be able to "always still sign into the "old Hotmail account?.

Does anybody have the definite and exact answer to this question.??.

Cheers from Martin Beattie; *** Email address is removed for privacy *** (or) *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.

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